Android Emulator Not Working On Mac

To get the Android emulator for your Mac, download and install the Setup Package. Click the blue link below to begin the download. Download the installer. Version 3.0: For macOS 10.10 (Yosemite) and up. If you previously had the emulator installed, you may need to perform a hard reset. Version 2.3; Double-click the downloaded file to start the.


Android Emulator not for gaming. There are some pretty cool emulators for android that are not hardware extensive and will not put much strain on your PC performance. You can use these emulators with any other applications as well that you are using on Windows or your Mac so you don’t have to compromise on your processing speed either. Feb 07, 2021 Click on releases option and download the latest preview version by clicking of android emulator m1 preview.dmg. It will download a DMG file. Click on the DMG file in downloads folder of your Mac.

  • 1 Troubleshooting and known issues for Android Emulator and system images
  • 2 Fix: ADB Devices Not Found
  • 3 ADB sideload, как пользоваться

Troubleshooting and known issues for Android Emulator and system images

This page lists known issues, workarounds, and troubleshooting tips for theAndroid Emulator.

If you encounter an issue not listed here or are unable to successfully use aworkaround listed here, please report a bug.

Checking for adequate disk space

To avoid crashes and hangs caused by not having enough free disk space, theemulator checks for sufficient free disk space on startup, and will not startunless at least 2 GB is free. If the emulator fails to start for you, check tosee that you have adequate free disk space.

Antivirus software

Because many security and antivirus software packages work by monitoring everyread and write operation, use of such software can decrease performance of tools the Android Emulator.

Many antivirus packages provide the ability to whitelist specificapplications, which enables these applications to operate without performancedegradation. If you are experiencing poor performance with saving or loading ofAVD snapshots, you may improve this performance by whitelisting the AndroidEmulator application in your antivirus software.

The performance impact differs between various antivirus software packages. Ifyou have additional antivirus software installed beyond that which is includedwith your operating system, you can run simple tests to determine whichantivirus software has a greater performance effect on emulator load and saveoperations.

Some antivirus software may be incompatible with the Android Emulator.

If you're using Avast software and are having trouble running the AndroidEmulator, try disabling Use nested virtualization when availableand Enable Hardware assisted virtualization in the Avast Troubleshootingsettings. In addition, after Avast hardware virtualization is disabled, ensurethat HAXM is set up properly again with a full re-installation of the latest HAXMfrom the SDK Manager.

HAXM on older, unsupported versions of Mac OS

If you are using Android Emulator on older, unsupported versions of Mac OS X(such as 10.9), then you may need to use an older version of HAXM (6.1.2), too.

A number of external factors can cause the Android Emulator to begin runningslowly after an update. To begin troubleshooting, we recommend thefollowing steps:

  • If you are running Android Emulator on Windows, check to see if you haveinstalled Windows UpdatesKB4013429andKB4015217.Some users reported improved Android Emulator performance after uninstallingthese updates. Users also reported improved Emulator performance afterinstalling Windows UpdateKB4015438.
  • If you have an Intel GPU (and in particular, the Intel HD 4000), ensure youhave downloaded and installed the latest Intel graphics driver.
  • If your machine has both an Intel HD 4000 GPU and a discrete GPU,disable the Intel HD 4000 GPU in Device Manager to ensure you areusing the discrete GPU.
  • Try running the emulator using the -gpu angle, -gpu swiftshader, or-gpu guest modes. For more information about configuring graphicsacceleration options on the command line, seeConfigure hardware acceleration.
  • Ensure that your router is not using IPv6 addresses if you do not have anIPv6 connection.

If you are still experiencing problems with the Android Emulator runningslowly, Report a bug, including thenecessary Android Emulator Details so we can investigate.

Windows: Free RAM and commit charge

When the emulator starts, it needs to initialize the Android guest operatingsystem's RAM. On Windows, the emulator asks Windows to account for the fullsize of guest memory at start time, even though during actual operation, thememory may be paged in on demand. The emulator requests the full amount of guestmemory at start time because Windows is conservative in ensuring that there isenough physical RAM and pagefile available to hold the entire potential workingset; this prepares for the worst case, in which all guest memory is touchedquickly, without any opportunity to discard or otherwise free memory.

Sometimes, when the emulator asks Windows to account for this full guest memorysize, the request exceeds the current commit limit, which is the total of theavailable physical RAM and pagefile. In this case, Windows can't guarantee thatthe worst-case working set will fit in either physical RAM or pagefile, and theemulator fails to start.

In typical cases, the amount of hard drive space allocated for the pagefile plusphysical RAM is more than enough for most use cases of the emulator. However, ifyou experience failures to start the emulator because of exceeding the commitlimit, we recommend examining the current commit charge, which can be seen inthe Performance tab in the Windows Task Manager. (To open the Task Manager,press Ctrl+Shift+Esc.)

You can lower the lihood of exceeding the commit limit in various ways:

  • Free physical RAM before launching the emulator by closing unused applicationsand files.
  • Disable third-party memory management and memory compression utilities. Theseutilities can inefficiently cause an excess commit charge and bring yoursystem closer to the commit limit.
  • Use a system managed size for the Windows pagefile, which can more flexiblyand dynamically increase the pagefile size (and therefore the commit limit) inresponse to increased demand from the emulator and other applications.For more information on commit charges and why a flexible setting works best,see this Microsoft article.


Fix: ADB Devices Not Found

With smartphones being present everywhere, the need for transferring files from your personal computer to your smartphone and vice versa arises. Not only that, you might need to debug certain apps or install new ones, etc. for which a command-line utility called ADB or Android Debug Bridge is often used.

Occasionally, people end up with the issue of not being able to connect to their smartphones, even though, according to them, they’ve done everything right. Well, don’t worry, this is what we’re here for. This guide will let you in on how to solve the ‘Error: device not found’ problem — so sit back, relax and follow the instructions.

ADB Device not found

Before we jump into the solutions, you might want to know what causes this problem. Well, many things can result in this issue —

  • The drivers are not updated. The drivers are the actors responsible for communicating with the interface and your OS. If it is not updated, you might encounter this error.
  • USB debugging is not enabled. This mode is necessary for ADB to work on your Android device.
  • Selection of wrong connection mode. A correct connection mode should be selected for the type of transfer you want to initiate.

Note: Make sure that you have ADB installed.

Method 1: Enable Developer Options and USB Debugging

To start, make sure you’ve enabled USB Debugging on your device since ADB doesn’t work otherwise. To do that:

Android Emulator Not Working On Mac Laptop

  1. Go to your phone Settings and select About.
  2. In About menu, tap on ‘Builder number’ seven times which enables Developer Options.
  3. After that, go back and select Developer options.Enable Developer Options
  4. Scroll down and tap ‘USB Debugging’.

Method 2: Change Connection Mode

Android has different connection modes which can sometimes cause this problem. In the case of adb, we need MTP(Media Transfer Protocol). One thing to note is that your smartphone might have Transfer files instead of MTP which is the same. For this, what you have to do is:

  1. Make sure your device is correctly plugged in.
  2. Pull down the notification window and select the USB connection notification.
  3. There, select MTP as the connection mode.Select MTP as the connection mode

    Note: Some people have reported that selecting the PTP mode worked for them, make sure to try that as well.

Method 3: Update ADB Interface

Sometimes, the issue is due to an outdated ADB interface driver. To update the driver, what you have to do is:

  1. On your computer, right-click on ‘My Computer’ and select Device Manager.
  2. Under Other Devices, you’ll see ‘Android ADB Interface’ or ‘Android Phone’. Right-click it and select ‘Update Driver Software’.ADB Interface Driver Update
  3. After that, select ‘Browse my computer for driver software’.
  4. Then, select ‘Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer’.
  5. A window will pop up, make sure ‘Show all devices’ is highlighted and click Next.Highlight Show All Devices
  6. Click the ‘Have Disk’ option.
  7. Go to where you’ve installed your SDK which is usuallyC:Program FilesAndroidandroid-sdkextrasgoogleusb_driver

    where you’ll have to double click android_winusb.inf

  8. Select ‘Android ADB Interface’ from the list.Select Android ADB Interface
  9. Click ‘Yes’ and then click ‘Install’.
  10. Wait for the installation to complete and then close the window.

You can try reconnecting your device if it doesn’t recognize it already.

Method 4: Install Universal ADB Windows Driver

If you are sure that the above-mentioned solutions are not going to work for you or didn’t work for you, installing Universal ADB Windows Driver might be the solution for you. It is pretty simple, download the driver from their official website and install it.

Method 5: Reset the ADB Process

It sometimes happens that everything else is working but you still can’t list your smartphone – meaning you have installed the USB driver, enabled USB debugging, etc. In such cases, killing the server and starting it again might help you out. To do that, type the following commands in the command line

adb kill-server adb start-serverADB Kill/Start Server

Method 6: Change the Cable

Finally, if nothing works out for you, getting a new cable might be the way for you. The chances of your cable being faulty are high which means no matter what you do, your problem will remain as the problem is not with your driver but rather with the hardware. To check whether your cable is faulty or not, try the following:

  1. Connect your cable to a port on a charger.
  2. Try charging your smartphone with that cable.

If it doesn’t start charging, this means your cable is at fault and you’ll have to get another.


ADB sideload, как пользоваться

ADB sideload, как пользоваться. Команда adb sideload очень прекрасна и с помощью ее можно легко выполнить обновление прошивки или выполнить восстановление Android в случае если он не загружается!

Еще раз о том для чего нужна команда ADB SIDELOAD — данная команда необходима для того чтобы выполнять прошивку ZIP архивов из меню recovery или если отсутствует bootloader. У данной команды есть аналог fastboot -w update, но у многих Android девайсов утилита fastboot не работает, соответственно adb sideload является универсальным средством.

Принцип работы ADB Sideload

ZIP архив-обновление находится в папке с утилитой adb, смартфон или планшет переводится в режим recovery или bootloader. Запускается утилита adb и прописывается командаadb sideload .zip, после чего архив копируется в Android и затем прошивается.

Необходимое для ADB Sideload

  1. Компьютер или ноутбук
  2. Скачать драйвер Android и после установить его
  3. Скачать программу — ADB RUN или ADB
  4. Заряд Android устройства не меньше 40% или больше
  5. Оригинальный, неповрежденный кабель MicroUSB
  6. Включить Отладка по USB на Android
  7. ZIP архив-обновление

Инструкция использования ADB Sideload

В данной статье будет предложено два варианта как можно воспользоваться adb sideload, первый способ — демонстрация как все работает от начала до конца, второй способ — автоматизированный, без лишних действий и писанины руками.

Способ №1

1. Подключаем устройство Android к компьютеру
2. Файл ZIP архив-обновление переместить по пути C:/adb/progbin
3. Запускаем программу ADB RUN или переходим в меню Manual Command ->ADB

4. Далее проверим «видит» ли adb ваш Android для этого наберем команду:

adb devices

И должны получить следующий ответ:

C:/ADB/adb/progbin> adb devices List of devices attached NA36XWxxxххххх

Если получим ответ (ошибка):

C:/ADB/adb/progbin> adb devices List of devices attached NA36XWxxxххххх offline

То необходимо сделать компьютер доверенным.

Если получим ответ (ошибка):

C:/ADB/adb/progbin> adb devices List of devices attached

То есть ничего нет, после attached, то устройство не видно (переустанавливаем драйвера, меняем порт USB, меняем кабель USB)

5. Переводим устройство в режим Recovery или режим Bootloader

6. В зависимости от Recovery в некоторых случаях необходимо включать принудительно включать на устройстве режим передачи и установки Sideload:

Если у вас стандартное или CWM Recovery оно может называться

  • install zip from sileload
  • apply update from ADB
  • ADB Sideload

и находится это меню может в главном разделе Recovery, раздел Advanced или Install ZIP.

Если у вас TWRP Recovery

Чтобы активировать sideload перейдите в Advanced -> ADB Sideload и потянуть нижний ползунок вправо:

Далее все остальные действия происходят на компьютере.

7. В ADB RUN пишем следующую команду:

adb sideload

Где XXXXXXXX — точное название прошиваемого ZIP обновления (учитывая ЗаГЛАвные или строЧНЫЕ, как написано, названия иначе получите ошибку)

После чего начнется перемещение обновления (прошивки) на Android и обновление.

  • Если вы получили ошибку error: closed — не активировали sideload на Android
  • Если вы получили ошибку error: device not found — не видит Android, меняйте ядро, recovery, перезапустить Android и снова перевести в режим.

Android Emulator Not Working On Mac Free

Способ №2

Android studio emulator not working mac m1

1. Подключаем устройство Android к компьютеру
2. Запускаем программу ADB RUN и переходим в меню Reboot Device -> выбрать Reboot Recovery или Reboot Bootloader (если нет на устройстве Recovery)
3. Активируем sideload на устройстве

4. Вернуться в главное меню и перейти в меню Move ->Sideload

5. Выбрать вначале пункт Copy ZIP to Directory, в открывшееся окно переместить ZIP архив-обновление, после закрыть окно

6. Выбрать Istall ZIP после чего, выбрать прошиваемый файл, после чего начнется прошивка.

  • Если вы получили ошибку error: closed — не активировали sideload на Android;
  • Если вы получили ошибку error: device not found — не видит Android, меняйте ядро, recovery, перезапустить Android и снова перевести в режим.


The Android Operating System is today one of the most important and advanced in the world. It has a lot of functions and features that have led it to become one of the most popular.

In this way many users choose to install softwares that are capable of running the Android operating system from the Mac computer . This in order to work with the operating system of Google for mobile.

In order to run this system on a computer it will be necessary to make use of an emulator . It is important to mention that today there are many softwares of this type that will help you carry this out. However, not all of them are really effective. That is why here we present a list of the best emulation programs.

List of the 10 best fast emulators for Android l livOS for Android ready to download

In general, the Android operating system is one of the most sought after in the world, it is characterized by being highly customizable and having a wide range of technology. This is how many users especially iOS or Mac, want to start testing this Android system on their computers.

For this there are emulators that can help you run Android on your Mac computer in a very simple way. They are characterized by presenting all the functions of Android, even many emulators already work with the latest version of the Android operating system .

However, there are many softwares available of this type, but not all of them are able to meet the needs of their users or simply do not have all the necessary features to be placed among the best programs of this guy.

In this way, here is a list of the 10 best emulators to install on your Mac PC:

Bluestacks Android Emulator

Download BlueStacks 4

It is important to mention that these emulators are capable of running both applications and games of all kinds and with them you can do whatever you want. Most of these softwares are characterized mainly by being very simple to install and manage as is the case of Android Bluestacks Emulator . It currently has more than 130 million users currently and is integrated with Layercake technology to make its operation more optimal.

In addition, Bluestacks Android Emulator is backed by the investment of Samsung, Qualcomm and Intel , which ensures you a very well designed and very professional software with which You can get really good results. All this has made many users of Mac or iOS interested in trying or managing a bit what is the Google operating system, which they can use directly from your Mac computers.

Andyroid emulator

Download Andy

Andyroid emulator is a software that has open GL hardware support. It is characterized by its easy operation and is very easy to install. Ideal for those Mac users who want to start using Android from their computer.

In this way, you can start turning your PC into a phone to start enjoying all those Google Play apps , be it games or some special tools . It should be mentioned that Andyroid Emulator has a customer service with which you can interact to clarify any doubt you have about the program and its operation.

Therefore, if you are looking for software that is able to help you get results from another level and far superior to those of other emulators, then your best option is Emulator Andyroid.

KO Player

Download KO Player

Another one of the most interesting Android emulators on the market, it specializes in the games area. Therefore, if you like gaming applications Android operating system, KO Player becomes a very good alternative to be able to use them from your Mac computer .

However, despite being especially focused on games, this software will also allow you to install any other application that is available on Google Play as long as it is compatible with the version of the emulator.

Usually, the most prominent applications within the emulator are the Clash of Clans, Super Mario games, messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, among many others. It also has features that will allow you to record games in case you want to use them without the need for the emulator.

Among its main features we find that it is almost compatible with all Android applications . In addition, KO Player has a completely free download and that will allow you to live an excellent experience when using the Android app on the Mac .


Download Genymotion

Genymotion is another of the most important emulators on the market, it has a lot of functions and tools that will allow you to have the best experience within of the Android . This is how it gives you the possibility to test how a device and a Android version would work with a specific app, this will let you know how the application works before installing it.

In this way, with Genymotion you can start running the Android emulator directly from the Mac or the cloud computer, being this a characteristic that very few softwares of this type can carry out, which gives it an advantage before the competition. This allows you to share the operation of the application with other users.

However, it is important to mention that Genymotion is not free, therefore, you will have to subscribe to some of their plans to start using it and each of its tools.

Android Studio Emulator Not Showing Mac

Android Studio

Download Android Studio

This emulator is not one of the most popular in the market when compared to other softwares . However, it has very important features that lead it to be located among the most attractive emulators for many users, and it has a system of update frequently that allows is always updated with the latest tools.

Android Studio is designed primarily for those users of Mac or other operating systems start testing the different Android applications from their computers, which can be downloaded from Play Store . It has all the necessary tools to start enjoying all these apps on the PC.

Android Emulator Not Working On Mac

Nox Player

Download Nox Player

Other alternatives that you can find on the internet to start getting Android games from your Mac computer. Therefore, if you are a fan of games of this operating system you can start to make use of the Nox Player emulator, it has a number of very attractive features and functions.

In this way, you can start enjoying all the games available on the Play Store from your Mac. Among its main features we find that it allows you to create different accounts in the event that your PC is familiar. < / p>

This will allow you to have your own user with your favorite games privately. In addition, it also allows to record favorite games and in turn share them through social networks. A software that is specialized for games which can be very useful for those who they have heavy graphics and makes their speed a little slower than the rest.


Download VirtualBox

Many of Mac users are unaware that VirtualBox can be used as an Android emulator. It will allow you to use almost all available applications in this operating system and which you can download from Play Store . It is considered as one of the most efficient emulators that allow you to play any type of game regardless of whether it is very heavy or not.

VirtualBox is responsible for controlling the amount of resources and hardware necessary to maintain excellent performance on the computer, this will prevent the computer from being damaged or inconvenience while running the emulator Android in background . It is recommended that at the time of installing this emulator you have at least 8 GB of RAM on your computer , it can be installed completely for free.


Download Youwave

An emulator that has been designed so that it can be used by all people without the need to be a professional in this area. It has a very sophisticated interface and has unique and very professional tools.

This is how with YouWave you can start having your own Android on your Mac computer , where you can start running any application and in turn have background the desktop of the operating system simultaneously.

This software is ideal for running those Android games applications downloaded from Play Store, and in turn you will create a folder where all downloaded apps will be stored. It has dynamic controls and volume buttons that will help you have a better experience.

However, this emulator is not free , therefore, to be able to use it you will have to purchase one of its subscriptions and that way start enjoying its services.


Download ARChon

It is worth mentioning that ARChonte is an emulator very different from the rest, and not only because of its interface, but basically it is not a software that you have to download and install on your computer , it is an extension of the Google Chrome browser with which you can start working with Android from your Mac computer.

This becomes a great advantage for those users who have little space on their hard disk or do not like to be downloading programs to their computer. However, since it is not a program, it does not have the same number of functions and tools that can be found in such software.

Android Emulator Not Working On Mac Air

But, in the same way it allows you to develop Android applications on your Mac in a very simple way, where you can start enjoying Android games, as well as of other apps of your choice. ARChonte you can install it in your Chrome browser completely free and which stands out for its easy operation.

Android Emulator Not Working On Mac Computer



Download Windroy

Finally, we present this emulator called Windroy , it specializes in representing Android applications and functionalities on a Mac computer. This software is mainly used by young people, since it has a fairly youthful interface and where you can use almost all the Android games apps on your computer.

Windroy works with the Android 4.0.3 operating system and stands out for its great speed when running any program, which makes it one of < strong> the best Android emulators on the market for Mac . Currently competing with softwares such as YouWavw and BlueStacks, so its use is highly recommended.