Xcode For Mac 10.11

Inspired by a Gist from kevinelliott - thanks!

  1. Xcode For Mac 10.11.6
  2. Mac Install Xcode
  3. Xcode On Mac
  4. Xcode For Mac 10.11.6

Install from App Store

Developer setup for Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan. Inspired by a Gist from kevinelliott - thanks! Software Install from App Store. Xcode - for command line tools required by Homebrew. Our GPU driver is 10.11.14. My understanding is that Matlab does not play nice with CUDA driver version 8, so we have not upgraded. The Problem: Some update in the last few weeks-unclear if it was a system update or a particular software involved but did somehow involve Xcode-broke our ability to compile the GUP mex files. Mac users can Download OS X El Capitan 10.11.4 Final (15E65), OS X Server 5.1 (15S5127) Final, Xcode 7.3 Final (7D175) and Safari 9.1 Final.DMG Update and Setup Installer Files officially from Apple for manual installation without app store for Free.

  • Xcode - for command line tools required by Homebrew

Install from Third-Party Websites

Video instructions for Mac OS 10.11 (El Capitan) with Xcode 7 Rough video transcript: Hello, and welcome to this screencast on how to install the GNU C, C and Fortran compilers for Mac OS 10.11 (El Capitan). XCode 8 El Capitan Mac OSX 10.11.6 Part #1.

Xcode Command Line Tools

Need to be installed for all the fne stuff in the latest section

Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Command Line Tools


Run Xcode and accept the license! Homebrew can not install properly until this occurs.

Install Homebrew

If this is not a fresh install of Homebrew, go ahead and purge the complete installation first:

Now install Homebrew

Install common libraries via Homebrew

Install Cask application manager

Install applications via Homebrew Cask

The following software is still in testing and not part of my default setup:

Install Chrome extensions

Some extensions are not pulled from your Google account, so re-install theam manully now:

Firefox profiles

TODO make sure the profiles are registered

After setting all the preferences, you need to reboot or at least restart Finder:

If you are curious, check this file for more possible settings.

Setup Github



Ruby & Gems

Prepare a sandboxed ruby environment

within we install some gems

Xcode For Mac 10.11.6

Vagrant and plugins

Xcode for mac 10.6.8

Install custom .dotfiles at the end, cause we utilize some of the previously installed packages

10.9/10 to 10.11

  1. Before installing 10.11, use (with rsync or CVS) to get the latest version of fink.
  2. Update the OS.
  3. Install Xcode 8.2.1 if you haven't already, or at least its Command Line Tools. If you already have Xcode 8.2.1, you will still need to reinstall the Command Line Tools, even if you had those installed under Mavericks or Yosemite already.
  4. If you have Xcode 8.2.1, run to accept the terms of the Xcode license. This is not required if you are using only the command-line tools.
  5. Use to reactivate Fink's build user, since Apple wipes out our users (but not groups for some reason).
  6. Use to point to the 10.11 distribution.
  7. Optional:

    Use if you had any -pm5162 packages installed.

    Use if you had any passwd-* packages installed.

If you updated from 10.9/10 to 10.11 with a fink which doesn't know about 10.11, you won't be able to proceed. You can download a compatible pre-built fink and install it via the terminal by running in the folder where you downloaded it.

10.8 and earlier to 10.11:

There is no supported upgrade path for Fink from 10.8 (or earlier) to 10.11.

The instructions here are an abridged version of those found in the Fink blog. The entries there provide a more detailed upgrade explanation.

This process collects the list of packages that you have installed on your current Finkand saves them for later use during the Fink install on 10.11

Mac Install Xcode

To collect the list of packages, follow the sequence below:

Xcode On Mac

  1. Use to dump your package information to a file.
  2. Rename your Fink tree by using , for example.
  3. Install OS X 10.11, as well as Xcode 8.2.1, or the Command Line Tools at minimum.
  4. Install Fink on your new 10.11 system.
  5. Run the command: to have your new Fink setup install as many of the packages that you previously had installed on 10.8 or earlier as are available.
  6. Remove your /sw.old directory.

Xcode For Mac 10.11.6

Not all of the packages available on 10.8 and earlier OS X versions are available on 10.11 due to several underlying changes in the system. Work is ongoing to make as many packages available as possible. If your favorite package is not available on 10.11, please contact the package maintainer and ask if it can be migrated.